Online Giving
We use Planning Center for online giving. Planning Center uses Stripe to process donations. Stripe is a Level 1 PCI Compliant Service Provider, conforming to the highest set of security standards for online transactions.
Give Now
We use Planning Center for online giving. Planning Center uses Stripe to process donations. Stripe is a Level 1 PCI Compliant Service Provider, conforming to the highest set of security standards for online transactions.
When you’re at a Covenant Church campus, you can give using “the envelope” for your cash (if you’d like a record of your gift) or by check, payable to Covenant Church.
Simply drop off or mail your contribution to the main office at 4000 Corey Rd, Winterville, NC 28590. You may also use our giving envelope to mail in your contribution. Be sure to include name and address on check or envelope to ensure that your gift is included in your annual giving statement.
If you use online banking, you can easily set up a BillPay account to give to Covenant Church. If your BillPay requires an account number, simply enter your name. Once set up, you can set one-time or even recurring contributions through your checking/savings account, and your financial institution will send Covenant your contribution as a check.
You will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of your securities at the time of donation, and you will pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value. For questions about this, please send Kali Jenkins a message or call 252.355.0123.
Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Biblical stewardship includes talents, gifts, bodies, minds, families, etc. – and, of course, finances.
Absolutely! There are approximately 2350 verses in scripture that speak to money and possessions. Many areas other than giving are part of God’s plan for managing this stuff called money.
The word tithe literally means 10% (or one tenth) and includes giving the first 10% of your income. The tithe is a scriptural mandate that belongs to God (Leviticus 27:30) and Jesus also affirms this in Matthew 23:23. Giving less than 10% then, by definition, is not a tithe.
The tithe was not instituted for God’s benefit because He already has the money He needs. He does not need our money. Tithing was created for our benefit.
Covenant believes that we are mere stewards of what God has given us. Therefore, we see tithing as giving back what is God’s to God (and He lets us steward the other 90% to use appropriately). Any amount above 10% is considered an offering to God. This type of giving is over and above and should also be done with cheerfulness.
Yes. Simply ask. Covenant’s fiscal budget year is July through June.