We’re going out in faith to pray for our neighbors this summer!
Click on “Add Walk” above the map to log your Prayer Walk so can see our city turn blue.
Add WalkWhat is a Prayer Walk? It’s simply walking in neighborhoods and praying for lost people. You can go by yourself, or you can walk and pray with a team (family, small group, etc.). This simple act of walking around your neighborhood opens the opportunity to pray that people will come to know and love Christ.
If you’re a list person, here’s a helpful list of things you can pray for as you go.
Pray for:
- Open eyes to see lost people in your community.
- A broken heart for lost people, whether you know them or not.
- Opportunities to talk with anyone as you’re walking.
- The Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of lost people in the community around you to be receptive to the gospel.
- Opportunities and courage to share your faith with people you meet.
- Opportunities to pray for the specific needs of people you meet.
This summer, let’s show our dependence on God to do what only He can do—work in the heart of someone who needs Him! Let’s go on many Prayer Walks to ask God to change our city, neighborhoods, homes, and the lives of those who fill them.